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Boilers and SplashBase

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:48 pm
by ev1lr00t5
I want a network connected boiler so I can turn it on and off from my Android?

Is this possible using the SplashBase and the relay bridge?


Re: Boilers and SplashBase

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:47 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash
Yes if your boilers timer switch switches on/off an input to tell it when to go on and off.

Many boilers in the UK (that I've seen) switch a mains input (230v AC) on/off to tell the boiler to go or not. In combination with a thermostat.

Please Do not attempt this though if you are not competent at handling mains safely, it can be very dangerous.

Putting it in an enclosure may also be a good idea to stop it from being touched while in use. For added safety you could use a Solid State Relay instead.